Notice Of An Extraordinary General Meeting
Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 7pm on Thursday 15th February 2024 at The Cookhouse, Liverpool Road, Widnes WA8 7ER
The committee of Widnes VIPs invites you to the above detailed EGM to vote on the following proposed changes to our constitution;
1) To amend paragraph four of section 10 – “Voting” – to read;
“Proposals which are rejected at an AGM or EGM should not be brought back to another AGM or EGM for 3 (three) years if they are the same or substantially the same matter.”
This will ensure that the same principle applies at both AGM’s and EGM’s.
2. To amend paragraph 14 – “Changes to the Constitution” – to read;
“Any proposed changes to the constitution shall be presented by the committee, explained clearly and submitted for approval by the AGM or EGM.”
This will make clear that changes to the constitution can be made at both AGM’s and EGM’s.
3. To amend section 16 – “Dissolution” - to read;
“In the event of the dissolution of Widnes VIPS;
Any income remaining shall be distributed to Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club.
Widnes VIPS shareholding in Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club will, in the first instance, be offered for sale to the Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club board.
If this offer is not taken up, the shareholding will be passed to another fit and proper fan- based or fundraising organisation, supporting Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club
If neither of these last two options are available, the shareholding will be sold on the open market.
Any monies raised by these actions will be paid to Widnes VIPS, to ultimately be paid to Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club.
In the event of the dissolution of Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club, all of the aims, objectives and actions detailed in this constitution shall continue to be effected for the benefit of any new properly constituted entity providing professional rugby league in Widnes.
In the event of the dissolution of Widnes Vikings Rugby League Club and no new entity taking forward professional rugby league in Widnes, any income or property remaining shall be distributed to community rugby league clubs within Widnes.”
These amendments take account of the shareholding that Widnes VIPs now hold in Widnes Vikings, which were not present when we were originally founded. It also sets out a clear order of distribution and tidies up how Widnes Vikings is described.
Please attend if you are able to. We need a minimum of nine members present for the meeting to be quorate and for any vote to be approved.
However, if you are unable to attend but wish to vote, you can advise us that a nominated proxy will act on your behalf at the EGM. You can ask the secretary to be your named proxy if you so wish.
Your form must contain specific information, so the secretary will provide you with a proxy form on request.
Please allow extra time to ensure you can return your form to us by the deadline, which is three working days before the EGM, by emailing us at;
Any Other Business
Following the completion of the agenda and at the chair's discretion, members shall be given the opportunity to raise relevant, urgent matters not covered elsewhere in the meeting. There shall be no vote on such matters.
please submit your written request to the secretary a minimum of three full working days before the meeting.